The good (and the bad) of 2017

Hi amazing one,

If you know me, then you’ll know I’m a big believer in reviewing what is and isn’t working and then tweaking accordingly.  

It’s so powerful that I do a “Reflect and Review Exercise” at the end of EVERY single month with my clients – because it’s that important for our progress.

And it’s not just me who thinks it….

Brendon Burchard says:

“High achievers self-monitor more than underachievers”.


So please make sure you add regular reviews to your productivity strategy this year.

What got you here – won’t get you to where you’re going type thing!   

Here’s a quick insight into the good (and the not so good) from my 2017:


I launched the Wildly Successful Society, my signature productivity and mindset membership helping women become wildly successful.  In it’s debut year it grew to over 130 members and is something I am really proud of.  All the ‘experimenting’ over the last few years has paid off.  I have received incredible feedback about this offering and I’m super excited to continue to grow that space to its full potential.  The community is lighting me up on a daily basis with their wins!

I became an international speaker – so proud of myself for this.  I was invited to speak at the Heart centred Business Conference in Australia in 2017, not only did I love getting to share what I’m passionate about with so many incredible women on a mission, I also got to meet some of my own Wildly Successful Society members in-person!  That was so awesome.  Thank you to the fabulous Tash Corbin for inviting me to speak.

Side note – you can’t beat in-person action so this year I am planning on hosting retreats and live workshops to get me more of that feeling!

– I created and sold out my dream offering. I decided to do less 1:1 work and instead launched small group Masterminds at the beginning of 2017, not only was this a success, 100% of those amazing go-getters signed up to my brand new 6-month LIVEBIG Mastermind that has just started.  I’m feeling very humbled to get to support such incredible women and it’s my favourite way to work with my clients too.

The other noticeable shift for me in 2017 was that I decided to invest more in Marketing than Personal Development.  

Basically, I continued my learning ban but on another level (and I didn’t attend any webinars all year!). In the last 3 years I have invested heavily in my own development by way of courses, high-end coaches and masterminds, I’ve experimented with different ways of sharing my tools, and I knew it was time to fully focus on implementing. It was time to trust myself and create my dream offerings (which I did – see above the LIVEBIG Mastermind and the Wildly Successful Society!).

Personally, I made the big, massive, decision that I didn’t want to travel so much.  

If you read my newsletter about wanting shelves a few months ago, you’ll have been on the journey with me!  I decided that after 3 years travelling non-stop, living the location independent lifestyle, I was ready for a base to call home again.  

At the time I had no idea where I wanted that base to be, but by the end of the year I had bought myself a place in Spain – I’m waiting for the sale to go through as I type this blog post!  Should be in the next few weeks – I’ll let you know! EEK.


– My main take away from 2017 was that I sat in my comfort zone way more than I like to admit.  Even though it was a great year for my business (and I presented on stage – THAT’S not ‘comfort-zone’ stuff!), I had some mindset wobbles along the way which kept me from playing bigger and I felt I was in cruise control a bit too much.

– I also fell into the trap at the end of the year – luckily not for long – of comparing myself to others.  With talk of 6 figure launches and people sharing what they had made in 2017 I started to feel like I hadn’t done as well as I could have.  Luckily I’m now very self-aware of my thoughts, and so I managed to remind myself to focus on my own game.  

When I looked at my revenue for 2016 against 2017 it was pretty clear that I had grown, a hell of a lot, despite changing my entire business model!! 

Oh, and I worked from 8 different countries too!

I’d consider that a win, wouldn’t you?!

Because I was listening to the online noise I felt like I hadn’t had a good year – yet when I compared myself to MYSELF (the only comparison we can ever truly trust) I could see what a great year it had been, in so many ways.

So the lesson for us all here – focus on your own game.  Water your own grass not everyone else’s! 

What does 2018 have in store for me?

– Interestingly I am feeling the urge to get back on the learning train this year – I want to continue with my own development but also my clients’.  

I know when I grow, I am a better coach and leader to my community, especially my high-level mastermind and 1:1 clients.  They benefit first hand.  I want to be able to take myself (and them) to the next level this year.  

– In 2018 I am fully committed to working on my mindset daily because as we all know – if something isn’t working – it’s usually a mindset shift that’s needed!

– I’m also writing a book! Yep and as I always get asked for a physical planner I think it’s time I delivered on that too (am writing these two goals here for accountability purposes!)

– I’d like to host more in-person stuff.  I held a couple of meetups with my WSS members this year which were beyond amazing:

And the biggie – a whole new personal experience awaits – after 3 years wondering that globe with my laptop, I’m creating a base for myself. (I know we are all looking forward to seeing how that plays out – will she get itchy feet in Q1 or will it not happen until Q3??!). Taking bets now.  Ha ha ha

Looking forward to hearing your good (and not so goods) of 2017!

Let’s make it happen!

Lots of Love Jo x

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