- Never Settle
- Dream BIG again
- No regrets, or "I wish I had's."
Most of us are playing so small.
Not daring to dream big in case we can't make it happen.
You are meant for more, we all are!
Maybe you're not sure what that "more" looks like.
Or you do, it might be on your vision board, but are you really connected to it, taking action towards it, going for it?
Maybe you're thinking, Jo, life is already crazy, I don't have time to achieve more!
I have two secret weapons up my sleeve:
1) I started this business in 2012 as a Productivity Coach so grab my free weekly planning system below to sort the first problem out
2) I'm really good at unleashing big dreams in people - join my latest workshop to uncover what your next 'more" is HERE.
Then we can get down to business implementing the Meant for More® Methodology to make it happen.
Your future self will thank you for the adventure you're about to step into!
Imagine an hour that could change your life.
With complete clarity on your next steps you’ll walk away feeling re-connected to what you want, and how to get there.
Ideal for business owners in need of a #bendleboost (because sometimes we just need someone who "gets it" to look inside our business and brainstorm with us!)
This isn’t another course. It’s a high-performance container where clarity meets action, and results become inevitable.
BOLD will give you the system, coaching, community, accountability, and resources to stay committed to showing up for everything you want.
At the heart of BOLD is a core system that teaches you ONLY what you need to achieve your next BOLD Goal.
The ‘must have' productivity system that you can master in the time it takes to drink your next cuppa!
Reclaim your time and sanity with my weekly planning system that will change the way you work for the better.
Never get to the end of the week feeling disappointed again.
Jo runs a fun and precious space for all of us here. Thanks for creating a container that's supportive, fun, and welcoming, no matter where we are on our journeys!
- Jennifer Lang
The power of the Lab is incredible. I can’t believe how far I have come.
- Rachel Hands
The results I've experienced so far have far exceeded what I even thought was possible! Jo knows exactly what you need to make the shifts in your business. It's been the best investment!
- Fiona Taylor
Thanks for my Activate Session I feel like a spark has been lit and I am EXCITED! You are flipping amazing - your passion for what you do shines through the screen
- Helen Whitaker