I doubled my business by doing this

Hi lady!

Here they are – the exact steps I took in 2017 to double my business:

  • I put myself on a learning ban (without a doubt this had the biggest impact)
  • I simplified everything
  • I unsubscribed from ALL the things
  • I went to zero webinars
  • I listened to very few podcasts (my morning walk / run used to always involve listening to a podcast and then my head was full of the blog post ideas that I ‘should’ be writing)
  • I didn’t even read that many books and I love reading

It was a learning ban on steroids!

I was just totally fed up with the frustrations of not moving forward.

Of another week and month flying past without much progress – despite sitting at my desk for way too many hours.

So I committed to taking all the lessons I had learned over the past few years of experimenting and working with clients and made a pact with myself to just focus on my own business.

And so I went on a learning ban.

And that’s how I doubled my business.

And if I’m honest with you – I think I worked from 9 different countries last year – I definitely didn’t work harder, I just spent the time I did have focusing on my own stuff, implementing what I knew and not paying attention to what everyone else was doing.

The lesson I want you to take from this is that if you are serious about creating a business that supports you AND allows you to have the life you desire, then you have to quit watching what everyone else is doing and thinking you need to ‘know more stuff’.

You don’t.

You are amazing at what you do.

You know enough.

You are enough.

Seriously that’s how I doubled my business – by focusing on my own business. By implementing what I already know.

By not going to webinars and opting in to free bright shiny things.

That’s called “Procrasti – Learning” – where you learn more things to avoid having to do the scary webinar, FB live etc etc that you know will actually have a positive impact on your business.

(Quick caveat – I had spent a good few years investing heavily in myself before this learning ban. I’d worked with coaches and masterminds and taken online courses (too many!). So I did have the tools to go forth and implement).

2018, however, is feeling very different, I am being called to get my learning on again!

I am aware that if I want to take my business up another notch I need to grow personally first.

What got me here – won’t get me to where I desire to go kind of thing.

I’m also aware that the more I work on myself, the better it is for my own clients. They definitely benefit first hand from my own growth which is a massive incentive for me to keep growing and improving.

I’m ready to #LiveBig and as always, I will be taking anyone who wants to come, with me!

So I’m going on a productivity learning fest for a few months, trying new things, experimenting and refining my own personal productivity system.

Anyhow friend, my question to you today is, and I want you to sit quietly and take some slow long breaths before answering it….

Do you need to put yourself on a learning ban for the benefit of your future success??

You don’t have to do a whole year like I did.

Maybe a 3 month one? Maybe even a 7-day one.

Let me know – Is 2018 a learning or an implementing year for you? Has this been a conscious decision? Are you choosing what you need to learn rather than just being there for ALL the things that catch your eye??!

Hey, no judgment here – I’m on the roller coaster too remember!!

Big love Jo xx

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