The key to your success

I’ve had some time out the last few weeks. To Stop. To think. To be.

It’s amazing what that space gives you – when you’re away from the online ‘noise’ I just love where my thoughts go.

One question I chose to ask myself was:

“What is it that my community needs right now to be able to take their businesses to the next level?”

Knowing that we have everything we need inside of us I decided to ask myself, thoughtfully, what I thought it was.

And it just came to me.

The Belief.

That’s what’s missing.

The absolute belief in ourselves. In our dreams. In our capabilities to achieve something sensational.

When you have the belief that anything is possible, and yes that belief ‘light’ might be a little dim at times – that’s fine we are human after all! (I definitely don’t have mine shining brightly ALL the time).

When you have this belief in what you can’t yet see, that’s when things start happening.

Opportunities come.

You don’t seem to procrastinate as much as usual.

You are focused – and lit up.

Success is about belief.

So with this in mind, what one thing can you start doing today, and every day, to help that belief light of yours shine a little brighter?

Could you start visualising yourself having achieved something amazing? Something you would love to be true.

I’m using that technique at the moment – I’m about to head to Australia and will be speaking at an international conference – the biggest speaking event I have done to date, and boy am I having to practice what I preach. This was one of my goals, to travel the world speaking at conferences, and now it’s happening.

Visualising myself walking onto that stage and nailing my session, that’s part of my daily routine now.

If visualising isn’t for you could you head to your journal instead?

Have you tried the ‘acting As If’ exercise?

So you might write in your journal ‘It’s the 30th August 2018 (yes a year from now) and you would write a statement about your life as if your dreams have already become your reality.

So a year ago I might have been writing it’s 30th August 2017 and I am an international speaker!

Success is about belief.

What one thing can you start doing every day to power up that belief in yourself to make your dreams and goals your reality?

We are what we repeatedly do – so how about you do one thing every day for the next 7 days to work on building your belief system up.

Are you up for the challenge?

And don’t forget – one of my superpowers is believing in YOU, so if you need some help in that department just yell.

I have another big dream I’m working on – it’s a personal one which I will share with you soon I’m sure. That’s requiring some journaling and visualization too!

Have fun with your 7-day challenge and wish me luck for the conference at the end of the month!

See I am right here in the thick of the roller coaster with you! Still persevering, still growing, still swinging between struggling and winning. It’s all happening and to be fair I am loving the journey.

Hope you’re loving your journey too,

Love Jo xx

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