What got you here, won’t get you to where you’re going

I’ve heard that saying before, but only recently have I actually ‘heard’ it if you know what I mean.

Sometimes we need to hear things many times before they really resonate.  

“What got you here, won’t get you there” – Marshall Goldsmith


Now it resonates.  Now I’m listening to what it’s trying to tell me.

As you know my business mantra for the last few years has been #ImperfectAction and I’ve just realised that I’ve outgrown it!  My old faithful!

What’s got me here, won’t get me to where I’m going. OMG.

#ImperfectAction isn’t propelling me forwards in the way it used to.

I have outgrown my own business mantra.  It doesn’t have the power it used to have for me!  This was another one of the A-ha moments I told you about last week (see my previous post ‘Woah I didn’t expect that’ for more info).

So whilst walking on the beach in Costa Rica recently I decided to ask for some help in finding a new empowering mantra to help me embark on the next leg of my journey.

As always happens, when you put it out to the Universe, it delivers the goods and within about 24 hours my new, empowering ‘take me to the next level’ mantra had arrived:




It feels gorgeous, exciting and full of positive energy. And I’m dying to share it with you.

So what does it even mean??

For me it means:

  • Taking care of myself.  I can not live big if I’m not healthy and energised
  • I wholeheartedly love and accept myself, as I am right now
  • Living Big means giving it my all in my business in a fun and focused way (not striving and hustling, more effortless and fun)
  • It means having fun with everything I do
  • and probably most importantly it means letting go of any self-imposed pressures

I am giving myself permission to be all that I am and more.

I am giving myself permission to #livebig and blow myself away with where it takes me.

What I love about this is it feels really empowering.

If I start getting in my own way I can remember that to #livebig doesn’t involve limiting myself.


As from now I am committing to #livebig

To step up and live life in an even bigger way.  To show up fully for my life and my business and stop playing it small.

To stop getting in my own way.

To all my clients: This is about you too…..I’m committing to #livebig so that you can too.

“Success begins with me.  Success is inside me and it’s something I have to create on purpose day in, day out” Carrie Green


Ever since I started thinking about what living big looks like to me I have also noticed I’m looking at my business in a different way too!  I’m no longer limited to what my mind thinks is possible.  

It feels exciting. It feels expansive. It feels motivating.

Where will it take us??  I can’t wait to find out.

#Livebig is the #ImperfectAction of today.  It’s the next level of my journey.

Thank you imperfect action you have been nothing short of sensational for my business and I now lovingly hand you over to my clients, they need you right now.  

You will always be a part of me but they need your unconditional support now.

It’s time for me to #LIVEBIG

I would LOVE to know what #livebig looks like for you?  

Do you need this in your life?

How will you commit to living big today?  Have you got a saying or affirmation or mantra in your life that makes it easier for you to take action?  

It’s been a really powerful resource for me in the past so I’m feeling really excited to see where #LiveBig takes us!

Love Jo x

PS Ironically I actually need to take massive #ImperfectAction in order to #LiveBig!

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