What’s a flying trapeze got to do with it?

Wow it’s been a bit of a roller coaster few weeks, but I made it safely to Sydney, Australia to do some #workingfromanywhere

This week there is even more excitement to contend with as I head off to a high level business retreat (hosted at a health spa – yep I know!!) with two high profile mentors so I’m beyond excited about that.

I have been investing in myself for about 18 months now and something that we forget to do is look how far we have come.

We’re all so busy getting stuck in the overwhelm and the ‘I’m not where I’m trying to get to stage’ that we forget to celebrate just how far we have already come, which is always further than you realise.

So do yourself a favour, and take a moment now to look where you were this time last year.  Feels good when you acknowledge the shifts and the progress doesn’t it?

Keep going, you’re doing fab!

And for anyone who is facing change in any way or to be fair I think any entrepreneur should watch this, then I’ve recorded something for you. When I read it I totally related to it and so I’m hoping it helps wherever you are in the journey of building your empire:


Let me know what you think, I thought it was an utterly brilliant analogy! It reminded me that the magic happens when you let go and are in between the bars (Oh and don’t forget – there is always a net under those bars so don’t be scared to let go from time to time…!).

Right off to get inspired, create some big goals and hang out with like-minded women.  Dress code is casual ‘no makeup or bra’s required’!   Can’t wait!

Much love
Jo x

PS Seriously who wouldn’t want to mastermind with fabulous women AT A HEALTH SPA?!? I think the first retreat that I host has to be in one now!!  Anyone up for it??!

Come say Hi 

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