Why I created a movement

I wanted to share with you why I created the Meant for More Movement.

Its sole purpose was to remind us all that we’re meant for more!

I remember so many times in my life thinking “Is this it?”

I wanted more.

I didn’t always know what my “more” looked like, but I just had this niggle that something was missing.

Fast forward to today and it’s now a global movement empowering women around the world to not settle.

I mean this is one of those pinch-me moments. Did I just type the words “it’s a global movement”? How amazing is that!

The reality is it’s been a global movement for 6 years now. Under it’s old name (Live Big), but as women we find it so hard to celebrate what we’ve achieved and how far we’ve come don’t we?

I’m calling us all out on that one.

Every time I invite my Lab ladies to celebrate the group goes quiet! Yet when they do celebrate they feel, and therefore become, unstoppable!

Celebrating is most definitely an under utilised productivity tool.

But back to my point…

Too many women are settling for what they believe is possible

OR settling for what they have been told to want or expect.

The movement and the work I do with my clients both 1:1 and in The Lab is to help women in business find and achieve their own personal “more”.

To help you reach for the things you never thought could be part of your life.

Or things you were taught were “for others” but not you.

I want you to know, the Meant for More Movement was created to remind YOU that you are NOT here to settle.

And I have taken it on as my role to challenge you (lovingly – as always!).

To invite you to admit that maybe there are some areas in your life where you have settled.

The first “success habit” of the Meant for More Movement comes and bites me on the bum a lot! Which is a good thing – I can’t sit in plodding mode for long because of the work I do!

Meant for More Success Habit 1: BE HONEST

➡️ Admit that you’re playing small (even though you have already achieved a lot)

➡️ You want more, and you know you are capable of more

➡️ Maybe you want something different – you’re not feeling fulfilled and lit up

➡️ You have bigger dreams and you’re not reaching your true potential. Focusing on what you think is possible instead of aiming high (because what if I fail?!)

I want us all to bust through the “shoulds” and the “not enoughs” and let our work literally fuel our freedom.

My business is the vehicle I used to create the freedom I now get to enjoy. I designed it in a way that allows me to be free with my time and energy (and location!).

So I want to leave you with this question today.

Where are YOU settling?

Where have you decided that something isn’t possible for you, or that it’s fine the way it is?

The first rule of the Meant for More Movement:

Be Honest!

You want more.

Love Jo x

PS There are a few ways I can help you right now. Ping me an email at info@jobendle.com with your biggest challenge and I’ll give you some options. It might be a free resource or a paid thing. Or I might record a podcast on your specific challenge.

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